The updates on Hawkman and Hawkgirl during the week of November 5-11!
Art by Prentis Rollins (2017, Commissioned by Tim Board)
Nov 12, 2023
Hawkman and Hawkgirl News and Info (November 5-11)
Nov 11, 2023
Three Years Ago: The Hawkman Vol. V Run Came to an End
On November 10, 2020, Hawkman Vol. V by Robert Venditti came to a close. It started in June 2018, ran for 29 issues, and gave Hawkman (Carter Hall III) and Hawkwoman (Shayera Hol II) a fantastic reunion and a wonderful future. It expanded on Hawkman and Hawkwoman's origins, their relationship, Hawkman's friendship with Atom and even The Shade, and gave new abilities and even a new ship. It has become many Hawkfans' favorite Hawkman series of all time. So what has happened during the last three years?
Nov 8, 2023
Hawkworld Facebook Reaches 8000 Members!
It all started on Facebook on January 15, 2016. I started Hawkworld Twitter (currently 7600 members) and it just...took off. I was expecting/hoping for 500 members, but the Facebook site reached 8000 members today. It's great for characters like Hawkman and Hawkgirl to see that much support while DC is practically ignoring Hawkman while putting out what is arguably the worst Hawk series in their 84-year history. Hawkfans are resilient if nothing else. There have been many highlights over the last eight years. Many thanks to all the members, Hawkfans, creators, and even the family members of the creators (GardnervFox, Joe Kubert, etc.) for such an amazing flight. Let's keep soaring!
Nov 5, 2023
Hawkman and Hawkgirl News and Info (October 29-November 4)
Here are the articles and sites that Hawkman and Hawkgirl showed up last week!
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Art by Stjepan Sejic |
Claw of Horus
Oct 29, 2023
Oct 22, 2023
Oct 21, 2023
Hawkgirl #4 Review by Tim Board
(Spoiler Alert)
OK, let me try to go through the basics of the story. Vulpecula goes into Galaxy's past for unknown reasons. She reveals her true form of a Fox and opens up a doorway to the Nth world to release a dragon. The dragon attacks Metropolis. Supergirl and Steel show up but the dragon easily wipes them out. Galaxy forms a protection around Hawkgirl with her past lives so that she can use some kind of light sword and cut off the dragon's head. Kendra is exhausted after the battle and suddenly furious at Carter and Shayera for getting their reward. Vulpecula suddenly shows up and goes into Kendra's past. To be continued.
Oct 15, 2023
Hawkman and Hawkgirl News and Info (October 8-14)
Here is where the Hawks showed up this week!
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The Secret Files and Origins: Hawkman (October 2002) |
10 Most Surprising Professions of Justice League Members in DC History (Gobookmart)
About 15 heroes were listed, and the Hawks as museum curators were on the list as well. This was kind of surprising because the Hawks' use of weapons and their knowledge of archaeology made them perfect for the job. Even Shayera says in a Superman team-up story that she knows more about archaeology than most of the Ph.D.s on the planet. But the article does note that the job was a perfect fit for them.
Oct 8, 2023
Hawkman and Hawkgirl News and Info (October 1-7)
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Black Adam (2022) |
Oct 4, 2023
Write an article and post it on Hawkworld!
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Carter Hall, 40th Century Writer (Hawkman Vol. V #29) |
Write an article for Hawkworld!
Do you want
to share your love and knowledge of Hawkman, Hawkgirl, Hawkwoman, and all
things Hawkworld? Write an article about your topic and send it to me to be
posted on the Hawkworld blog! I will also post it on Facebook (7300 members),
Twitter (7600 followers), Instagram (1700 followers), Mastodon (over 200 followers),
and Bluesky (just opened). An article posted here usually gets around 100-200 hits the first couple of days. Send me your idea for an article or the article you
want posted to my e-mail account and I’ll respond as soon as I can. Let’s keep
writing about the Hawks and keep them soaring!
Tim Board email: