Two months of 2024 have already passed, but things have been pretty quiet in Hawkworld. Unfortunately, there has been zero news about Hawkman, Hawkwoman, or Hawkgirl coming up in the comics. There may be tiny cameos here and there, but nothing has been really worth checking out. There appears to be some sort of bounty hunter called "The Thanagarian" (or so I've been told) in a (where else?) Batman book, but it is probably completely unrelated to any of the Hawks. I guess DC didn't have enough material for the two dozen Batman books so they have started strip-mining other heroes' properties for stories.
News has been slow about the Superman Legacy movie has well. I guess they have started filming or will be soon. There are a few articles about Isabel Merced working out or trying on her Hawkgirl helmet for the first time but that's about it. There are the usual comics sites' top ten whatever lists, and Hawkman shows up on those sometimes but it's pretty easy reading. About a month ago, Aldis Hodge was doing the interview rounds for his new movie and he got the inevitable questions about Hawkman. The only news we got was that there is nothing happening at the moment, and that he would love to move on and play Green Lantern John Stewart if he could. It looks like the Aldis Hodge-Hawkman ship has sailed. A quick Hawkman news search will bring those up if you want some extremely light articles. I'll list a couple of links to the articles that have come out in the last month or so.
We may hear something later on in the year, but so far, the solicitations for comics up through May have revealed nothing. The wait continues.
In the meantime, there are some great Hawkman and Hawkgirl stories out there. I've compiled
a list of all the Hawkman and Hawkgirl trades with the contents listed as well, so if you want to know what to look for, check out the list. If you haven't read Robert Venditti's Hawkman series yet, it's alvailable in four volumes. I can't recommend this one enough. As for the recent Hawkgirl series, the trade is supposed to come out in April, but I do not, repeat, do not recommend it unless you're a completist and must have it for your comics collection.
If you see Hawkman or Hawkgirl pop up somewhere in the comics, let me know in the comments and I'll try to let all the Hawkfans know.
Hawkworld on Facebook has passed over 9200 members, and
Hawkworld on Threads is slowly climbing to 1,000 followers (745 at the time of this writing). Come join or give Hawkworld a follow if you haven't already.
As Better Midler would probably say, the fans are the wind beneath Hawkman's wings, so it's up to us Hawkfans to keep Hawkman and Hawkgirl soaring. Jim Lee won't be at the top forever, and it's always the darkest right before the dawn. Or in DC's case, after the Dawn. Keep soaring!
Aldis Hodge Has Bad News for Hawkman Return in James Gunn's DC (Exclusive)
Art by Prentis Rollins (Commissined by Tim Board)