Art by Prentis Rollins (2017, Commissioned by Tim Board)

Dec 11, 2019

Board Review of Hawkman No. 19: "Tyrant Reborn: Better Half"

Ever since we found out back in October that Hawkwoman was coming to the Hawkman series, many Hawkfans have been looking forward to this one. Since the series began a year and a half ago, we have been wondering how Hawkman would finally meet Hawkwoman. And as Carter Hall says, "Not like this."

Dec 1, 2019

Explaining Hawkman, Hawkwoman, and Hawkgirl (December 1, 2019 Update)

Here is my December 1, 2019 attempt at explaining the current Carter Hall, Shayera Hol, and Kendra Saunders. The situation continues to change and we find out something more almost every issue. I've tried to piece everything that we have so far to see how the current Hawks are connected. Feel free to ask questions or debunk my theories in the comments below!

Nov 28, 2019

Sky Tyrant: The Evil Hawkman from Earth-3

Hawkman is going to be one of the six heroes who are "infected" by the Batman Who Laughs in a DC Comics event this fall. Here's the cover for Hawkman No. 18 (out on November 13th) by Tyler Kirkham introduces us to Sky Tyrant, the evil Hawkman of Earth-3. I'll revise this post as he makes other appearances!

Nov 23, 2019

Hawkman and Black Adam: Egyptian Connection

Art by Alex Ross
Back in March 2019, we received the surprising news that the upcoming Black Adam movie starring Dwayne Johnson aka The Rock will feature Hawkman, Stargirl, and Atom Smasher. That news was confirmed by The Rock himself during the end of August and again in November, saying the movie would start production in 2020, and that it would definitely feature Hawkman. The casting has not been announced yet, but it has been rumored that The Rock is looking for someone who is in his 30s and with the physique that can go toe-to-toe with Black Adam. Until they announce an actor for the part, it's all just rumors and speculation, but let's take a look at the interesting relationship these two DC Comics characters have with each other.

Nov 14, 2019

Board Review of Hawkman No. 18: "Tyrant Reborn: Dual"

Hawkman Vol. V No. 18 Cover by Tyler Kirkham
As DC Comics continues it's Year of the Villain theme, Hawkman's story of exploration and discovery could have been badly interrupted or thrown off course, but writer Robert Venditti seems to have done a masterful job of tying the infected Hawkman story into Hawkman's past. After seeing the Sky Tyrant finally take over at the end of the last issue, issue No. 18 starts off with the character's death on Earth-3. We all know some of the characters from Earth-3, a place where good and evil are reversed. In the past, we've seen Ultraman, Superwoman, Owlman, Power Ring, and Johnny Quick. For the first time, we are introduced to the Hawkman of that world, Sky Tyrant. There are spoilers ahead so if you haven't read the comic yet, don't read any further!

Nov 12, 2019

Hawkman Cosplayer Andy Holt Achieves Guinness World Record

Exciting news just came in! Hawkman Cosplayer Andy Holt has set the Guinness World Record for the longest wingspan on a cosplay costume! According to the Guinness World Record website, the wingspan on Andy's Hawkman costume measured at 5.84 meters (19 ft 1 in.)! That's an amazing accomplishment! Congratulations to Andy on his world record! Link

Hawkman Cosplayer Andy Holt

Nov 10, 2019

Hawkman 80th Celebration: Hawkman: The Flight Continues

Art by Adam Kubert
“I am Carter Hall. I am Hawkman.

I am made to soar.”

                  From Hawkman Vol. V No. 1 (August 2018), Writer Robert Venditti

Oct 23, 2019

Ktar Deathbringer: Hero or Genocidal Murderer

In Hawkman Vol. V No. 7, released on December 12, 2018, Ktar Deathbringer appeared for the first time. According to writer Robert Venditti, he is the very first Hawkman, the Hawkman from which all other versions ever created came from. It is a shocking story about a murderous general who committed genocide with his army on planet after planet for many millennia. In this article, I want to take a look at the character and discuss why Venditti took the bold move of giving Hawkman such a dark, evil origin.

Oct 22, 2019

Hawkman 80th Celebration Fan Art!

Hawkman Day is coming up on November 10, 2019! We've chosen this day as Hawkman Day because Hawkman first appeared in the comics on November 10, 1939. Flash Comics No. 1's cover date is January 1940, but the comic was actually released on Nov. 10. Since we got the ball for the event rolling, Hawkfans have been sharing their art of the Winged Wonder. As the art is released, I'll be adding everyone's art to this post, so if you have some art to share, give me a shoutout on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram and I'll post it here, along with your name and the source. Click the name to go to the original source! Let's make Hawkman Day a day to celebrate one of the most iconic characters in comics!

Oct 20, 2019

Hawkman 80th Celebration: The Best Comic Book Series

Hawkman first appeared in the comics on November 10, 1939, in Flash Comics No. 1. Since then, Hawkman has been featured in eight regular series and several mini-series, back-up features and one-off issues. The Winged Wonder has been written and drawn by many of the greatest writers and artists in comics since the very beginning. Whenever I'm asked to come on a podcast or YouTube video, I'm always asked which series is my favorite. This question is always a tough one because it's impossible to choose just one. As comic book fans, we all have those issues that stay with us through the years. It can be for any reason; the writing, the art, or the characters. But when that special comic comes at a certain time in our lives, it stays with us and becomes a part of our own history. Comics have that kind of magic when it all comes together. As a Hawkfan, there are issues that stand out in my memory. There are series that I enjoyed more than others, and when I want to read my favorite hero again, I instinctively reach for those favorites. For this article, I've chosen the five series that have stayed with me and have remained my favorites over the years. In chronological order;