Art by Prentis Rollins (2017, Commissioned by Tim Board)
Showing posts with label Hawkgirl. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hawkgirl. Show all posts

Jun 11, 2023

Hawkgirl Logo History


When DC Comics announced a new Hawkgirl series in March 2023, we soon got a look at the new logo for the 6-issue miniseries. The logo by Amancay Naheulpan was definitely different from anything Hawkgirl has had before. Until now, her logos were basically versions of Hawkman's logos, but this is something uniquely her own. It's also a clever use of her Nth Metal mace. Fan reaction seems to be pretty positive, and it will definitely claim its place in the history of Hawkgirl logos. 

I was curious how many Hawkgirl there have been in the past so I collected all the ones that I've saved over the years. If there is one that I've missed, feel free to let me know in the comments and I'll check it out!

Jun 10, 2023

Ten DC Heroes Who Created Their Own Worst Enemies (CBR)

    Today's article brought to you by CBR includes Hawkman and Hath-Set. To be honest, when I saw the title, I thought that Hawkman and Hawkgirl would be on the list with the Gentleman Ghost. GG was hanged by Nighthawk (a former life of Hawkman) back in the 19th century and became stuck in a ghost-like state until the Hawks' reincarnation cycle is finished. For me, this one would fit the article better, but I suppose Hath-Set is the original Hawkman villain and therefore the more obvious choice. 

Jun 9, 2023

Hawkman, Hawkgirl and Hawkwoman Costumes Through the Years

   A couple of years ago, I used the art from the DC Microheroes site and made a chart of all the looks that the Hawkman have had over the years. Just by looking at a costume, I think most comic book fans can tell what era it is from. Which is your favorite look for Hawkman and Hawkgirl? 

Jun 8, 2023

New Hawkgirl Series Coming in July

   It has been announced that a new 6-issue miniseries of Hawkgirl will start on July 18. Ever since the Dawn of DC chart came out last year, fans had been wondering what was coming, and it was finally announced a couple of months ago. The writer will be Jadzia Axelrod and the art will be done by Amancay Nahuelpan. Here is the intro that we got for the first issue:

Jun 3, 2023

Hawk Cosplay Alert: Grace McClung

 Cosplayers are the best fans in the world. Their creativity comes from the heart. It may not be the best, but you can tell that they love what they are doing. But I have to say that Grace McClung is one of the best, if not the best I have ever seen. You can find her other cosplays on her Twitter and Instagram accounts. Definitely worth checking out! You can also find more amazing Hawkgirl cosplays here. Respect!

Grace the Cosplay Lass


May 25, 2023

Hawkman Comics 1939-2023

 Here is a link to a list of all the #Hawkman, #Hawkgirl, #Hawkwoman comics and also comics that include important moments in their history. When did Hawkman first use his mace? When did Hawkgirl change her name to Hawkwoman? When did Kendra first appear? I've tried to include all the issues and important moments in their history, so hopefully this will serve as a reference source for the comic book fans who are looking for the Hawks. Currently, there are over 600 comics on the list. Click the screenshot of the worksheet below and it will take you there. Feel free to ask questions or point out something that I may have missed.

Apr 24, 2023

Hawkgirl Day 2023!

 Eighty-two years ago. on April 25, 1941, Shiera Sanders flew for the first time as Hawkgirl, beginning a long career. She was considered a sort of sidekick for Hawkman at first, but over the years she has taken her own place as a popular character in the comics and on the TV cartoon shows, and she is now one of the most recognizable heroines in comics today. From Shiera Saunders to Shayera Thal to Kendra Saunders, Hawkgirl has left her mark in DC Comics no matter which identity she has been given. 

Shiera Sanders made her debut on November 10, 1939 along with Carter Hall.Hawkman in Flash Comics No. 1 (cover date January 1940), but she did not appear as Hawkgirl until All-Star Comics No. 5 (cover date June 1941). We celebrate April 25th as her anniversary since that is the official release date of the comic.

There are lots of exciting times ahead for Hawkgirl fans as she will get her own series starting in July! Don't miss it! 

Feb 7, 2023

The Hawkworld Report Podcast: Covering Hawkman and Hawkgirl! Season 2 Episode 1!

 First podcast of 2023! Talking (rambling, ranting?) about DC Comics' and James Gunn's current plans for Hawkman and Hawkgirl. 


Jan 14, 2023

7th Anniversary of Hawkworld

January 15, 2016: Facebook group started (currently 6600 members)
January 16, 2016: Twitter account started (7600 followers)
February 21, 2016: Instagram account started (1700 followers)
November 10, 2016: Hawkman Day started
April 25, 2017: Hawkgirl Day started 
November 10, 2017: Hawkworld Blog started (over 260,000 views)
January 2019: The Hawkworld Report podcast started (restarted in January 2021)
November 26, 2022: Mastodon account started (200 followers)

Happy anniversary to all the Hawkworld followers and members across the world! It's been seven years since Hawkworld took off! What started as a step into the unknown has turned into something that became bigger and wider than I ever could have imagined when I started. It has challenged me to learn more about the hero I've always loved and followed, and there have been several surprises along the way. These are in no particular order, just writing as I remember. 

Jan 3, 2023

Looking Ahead to Hawkworld's 2023 and A Look Back at 2022

As the Year of Black Adam (featuring Hawkman and the Justice Society) comes to a close, and we soar into 2023, let's take a look at the current situation, what lies ahead, and then a look back. 

Nov 1, 2022

Over 250,000 Views!


I started the Hawkworld blog almost five years ago. The site hit a quarter of a million views today. It may not be so many compared to other sites, but it's been fun building a site that can help fans discover and understand their history. Soaring on!

Oct 3, 2022

The History of the Live-Action Hawkman and Hawkgirl.

By Tim Board (Hawkworld Facebook and Hawkworld Twitter) Updated!

Thirty-nine years ago, on January 19 and 26, 1979, NBC broadcast "Legends of the Superheroes", a two-part special with several DC heroes and villains. This was also the show that gave us our first live-action Hawkman. Do you know how many men and women have played Hawkman and Hawkgirl over the years? While live-action Batman actors are almost too numerous to count, the number who have played the Winged Wonders on silver or small screens have been few and far between. Let's take a look at the actors who have played the Hawks over the years.

May 6, 2022

Hawkgirl in Green Lantern: Beware My Power

 An Elseworlds version of Hawkgirl is appearing in Green Lantern (John Stewart) Beware My Power.

Mar 20, 2022

A Guide Through the History of Hawkman and Hawkwoman/Hawkgirl

   Thanks for coming over to my guide to the Hawks. I originally had everything posted here, but the article became so massive that I decided to move it over to the contents page. This has been a project that has taken me several years and I may never be finished. I've written similar articles about the history of Hawkman and Hawkgirl, but I wanted to put it all together so that fans old and new can easily find the answers they have when reading the Hawks. It has been a fun, fascinating endeavor, and I continue to learn more about my favorite superhero every day. I have moved the articles over to my main contents page, so click the link below to read up on each era of the Hawks. Thanks for checking it out, and I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed putting it together. Article Link

Mar 15, 2022

Talking about Hawkman and Hawkwoman!


Here are the times Yours Truly has been invited to a podcast, zoom chat, YouTube interview, or website article to talk about Hawkman over the years. It's been an honor each and every time. 

13th Dimension: Why Hawkman Matters 
The Angrygeeks Show Podcast: Hawkworld
The Comic Source Podcast: Talking Hawkman with Robert Venditti 
The Comic Source Podcast: Hawkman Day with Robert Venditti
Comic Book University: Spotlight on Hawkworld 
DarkKnightNation: Let's Talk Comics with Hawkworld 
ComicManJake: Hawkman Day with Tim Board
Pop Culture Squad: Winged Passion – Tim Board’s Hawkworld 

I'm always up for a fun chat about Hawkman and Hawkwoman so send me a PMDM, or email ( to let me know when and where! 

Jan 8, 2022

The Hawkworld Report Podcast: Finding Hawkman and Hawkgirl in the Bronze Age

 In this episode, we'll look at the current comics with the Hawks, check the most recent Black Adam movie news, and look at where to find Hawkman and Hawkgirl during the Bronze Age (1970-1985). LINK

Jan 6, 2022

Hawkworld 6th Anniversary!

January 15 is the 6th anniversary of Hawkworld! Thank you for all the support! To celebrate, I'm giving away one copy of Robert Venditti's Hawkman! The winner can pick the volume of their choice (1-4)! To enter, go to Twitter (like and retweet) or Facebook (like and share)! The winner will be announced on January 15! Thanks to everyone for all their support over the years! 

Jan 1, 2022

The Hawkworld Report Podcast: What's Going On With Hawkgirl and Hawkwoman?

Check out my podcast The Hawkworld Report! LINK

1. Current Hawks in the Comics
2. Black Adam Updates
3. Explaining the Hawkgirl/Hawkwoman Situation