Art by Prentis Rollins (2017, Commissioned by Tim Board)
Showing posts with label Hawkgirl. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hawkgirl. Show all posts

Jul 22, 2021

The Ultimate List of Hawkman Comics!

List compiled by Tim Board
You can find details for the issues on Grand Comics Database.
I've added notes to the important issues on an expanded list here.

Jul 9, 2021

Hawkman Day!

 I'm starting a new monthly event called Hawkman Day! Hawkman does not have his own comic right now, so I want to have a day for fans to share their favorite art, figures, cosplay, comics, and anything else that has to do with Hawkman, Hawkwoman, Hawkgirl, Hawkworld, their villains, etc. The 9th of every month will be the day! Starting at 12:00 a.m. on the ninth, come see the posts on Hawkworld Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram! Share your favorite stuff with your friends and followers on your favorite SNS sites. Let's keep the Winged Warriors soaring! 

Jun 17, 2021

Podcast: The Hawkworld Report #001

Finally restarted my Hawkworld Podcast! Here is the very first episode. I'll be answering questions in future podcasts so post your questions about anything concerning Hawkman, Hawkwoman, Hawkgirl, or anything Hawk! I'll do my best to answer them! 

Episode #001: The Hawkworld Report LINK

1. Opening
2. Recent Comics
3. Justice League #63
4. Justice Society Comic?
5. Justice Society WWII
6. Black Adam News
7. Taking your questions!

Jun 15, 2021

The Basic Foundation of Hawkman

 When I read an article, watch a YouTube video, or chat with someone about Hawkman, there is almost always the comment about how confusing he is. I don't dispute that, because there are different versions. There are the Golden Age Earth-2, Siver Age Earth-1, Hawkworld, Zero Crisis, Savage, and the current versions. They all have different origins and stories. 

May 27, 2021

A Guide through the History of Hawkman

DC Comics’ Hawkman is a character who has been around for over 80 years. During those 80 years, he has been rewritten, rebooted, and rebirthed. He has been given several different origins and names. He has been the victim of Crisis events, crossovers and tie-in stories. For the casual reader, it’s understandable that his continuity seems confusing, crazy and convoluted. After the Metal series in 2018, Robert Venditti was given the task of writing a new version of Hawkman. Venditti set out to give us a version with a new origin, but he figured out a way to include all the other past versions as well. Every Hawkman you have ever read can be included in his new origin. As a Hawkman fan and self-appointed guide, it’s my hope that comic book fans will pick up Venditti's series and discover what a fascinating hero Hawkman is. To help other fans understand the character as easily and as possible. I have made a chart to show where all of his past stories interact. To make it as simple as possible, I have divided all of the Hawkman versions into five categories:

May 4, 2021

The History of Hawkman and Hawkwoman by Tim Board

 Here is the history of Hawkman and Hawkwoman/Hawkgirl explained as simply as possible. I've tried to include all of the major events, reboots, changes, and series that the Hawks have experienced since their first appearance in 1940. I've also made an attempt to explain the current Hawkman, Hawkwoman, and Hawkgirl as simply as possible. If you click the link, you can see the chart up close. I hope they help. If you notice something that is wrong or something you think I should include in the chart, feel free to leave it in the comments.
Page 1 LINK     Page 2 LINK     Page 3 LINK     Page 4 LINK

Apr 29, 2021

Flashcards of Hawkgirl/Hawkwoman's Historic Moments!

 Hawkgirl first appeared as Shiera Sanders/Chay-ara in Flash Comics No. 1 which was published in November 1939. But she didn't strap on the wings until All-Star Comics No. 5 which came out on April 25, 1941. This month is the 80th anniversary of the first appearance of Hawkgirl, so I've made some flashcards of some of the historic moments from Hawkgirl/Hawkwoman's 80 years! 

Apr 25, 2021

Hawkgirl/Hawkwoman 80th Anniversary Tribute Collage

 Here is my collage to celebrate Hawkgirl's 80th anniversary. She first appeared as Shiera in Flash Comics No. 1 (November 1939), but she became Hawkgirl for the first time in All-Star Comics No. 5, published on April 25, 1941. I started making this collage during the summer of 2020, searching endlessly for pictures to use. As with the Hawkman collages, their wings always made it a challenge. After starting over numerous times, it gradually came together. I hope it is worthy of one of the greatest superheroines in comics. I've listed the artists whose work I used to create the collage down below. 

Art by:
Sheldon Moldoff
Joe Kubert
Irv Novick
Richard Howell, Bruce Patterson
Graham Nolan, Sam Parsons
Steve Lieber, Rick Magyar, Rob Schwager
Patrick Gleason, Christian Alamy, John Kalisz, Digital Chameleon
Alex Ross  
Nicola Scott, Trevor Scott, Alex Sinclair 
Yildiray Cinar, Trevor Scott, Alex Sinclair
Joe Bennett, Art Thibert, Guy Major
Ciara Renee 
Greg Capullo, Jonathan Glapion, FCO Plascencia
Jim Lee, Sandra Hope, Tomeu Morey
Jorge Jimenez, Alejandro Sanchez
Bryan Hitch, Andrew Currie, Jeremiah Skipper
Fernando Pasarin, Oclair Albert, Jeromy Cox
Marco Castiello, Danny Miki, Jeromy Cox
David Marquez, Tamra Bonvillain 

Many thanks to all the amazing artists who brought Hawkgirl to life over the years! 

Jan 21, 2021

Tim Board's Hawkworld Gallery


Since I first started following Hawkman in 1977, I've gradually built up my collection of Hawkman and Hawkwoman comics, art, trades, figures, and other items. I've especially worked on building up my art collection in recent years. Here is a list of the items I have displayed in my collection. 

Sep 17, 2020

Hawkgirl Ukiyo-e by Kota Nakatsubo

This is a ukiyo-e art piece by ukiyo-e artist Kota Nakatsubo. Ukiyo-e is a famous style of Japanese art which was popular during the 17th to 19th centuries. The use of hawks, clouds, feathers, and even the mace as the sun is beautifully creative. 

There are three panels with writing on the right of the picture. The white panel says "é·¹" (taka、ou) which means hawk and "女" (onna, jo) which means woman. 

The red panel is very interesting. It is a "yojij yukugo" (四字熟語) or in English, a four-letter compound idiom. A good example would be "isseki nichou" (一石二鳥) which means "one stone two birds." 
In this ukiyo-e, the four letters in the red panel says "gi yuu nin kyou" (義勇任侠). 
義 (gi) means justice or righteousness.
勇 (yuu) means bravery.
ä»» (nin) and ä¾  (kyou) together mean "unable to ignore the suffering of others."

Check out Kota Nakatsubo's Twitter and Art Station pages! 

Aug 24, 2020

Hawkgirl Out of the Black Adam Movie

Art by Arthur Adams
Sad news. We got news from Dwayne Johnson The Rock himself that Hawkgirl has been dropped from the roster for the Black Adam movie. This is incredibly disappointing news as many fans were looking forward to seeing the Hawks together on the silver screen at last. It's not happening this time, but I hope we get to see Hawkman and Hawkwoman flying across the silver screen together someday. Preferably within my lifetime.

Jul 31, 2020

Who will be cast as Hawkman in the Black Adam movie?

The Black Adam starring Dwayne Johnson aka The Rock is still scheduled to be released in December 2021. Very little news and a whole lot of rumors have been flying around about the movie for years. As the production schedule gets closer, there is a lot of speculation about who will play Hawkman. Hawkman has never appeared on the big screen, so there is a lot of excitement among fans about who will be announced. Many fan sites have made their predictions about who is going to be the first to bring the Winged Wonder to the silver screen. Below are some of the predictions and links to the sites. Who do you want to be cast as Hawkman?

Hawkworld (Tim Board)
Hawkman: Alexander Skarsgard
My own personal choice for Hawkman has been Skarsgard for a few years now. He would be perfect casting in my opinion.

Jul 25, 2020

Hawkman Unleashed Part Two: Breaking Down Hawkman's History

By Tim Board

   During Hawkman's 80-year history, he has had seven series, four mini-series, many special one-shot editions, and several runs in other comics. If we gave Hawkman comics a legacy count, we'll reach No. 250 in September 2020. (Check out the list here.) That's pretty low for a character that has been around that long. Hawkman seems to be a character that is impossible to ignore as a concept, but the concept has proved to be difficult to put onto the comic book pages for whatever reason. In Hawkman Unleashed Part One, I listed nine things that should be included in a Hawkman comic: origin/purpose, secret identity, love, powers, weapons, locations, villains, supporting cast, and death/reincarnation. In Hawkman Unleashed Part Two, let's take a look through the history of Hawkman comics and see how each series included the nine components.

Jul 18, 2020

Hawkman Unleashed Part One: The Reason and The Components of a Hero

By Tim Board
Hawkman 80th Anniversary Collage by Tim Board

In my mind, Hawkman is the greatest comic book character ever created. Now before all the Batman and Spider-man fans scoff, curse, and click away, let me explain why I think this way. We all love comics. We love how a certain character or story grabbed our attention, our interest, and finally our heart and never let go. For me, that character is Hawkman. For you, it might be Wonder Woman or Captain America. And that is perfectly fine. Somewhere, somehow, that character became rooted in your consciousness and stayed. Every time you see the image of that character, your heart immediately starts beating faster. You'll remember your favorite stories where the character lifted you up. Or you may even feel enraged, as you remember a story where you feel your hero was mistreated. But that's why comic books will never go away. These characters have become a part of our identity, and they keep us young until our dying day.

May 9, 2020

The List of Hawkworld Comics 1939-2020

I've put together a list of comics that Hawkman and Hawkwoman have appeared in since 1939. I have listed the regular series, mini-series, back-up features, one-shots, tie-ins, guest appearances and the issues from other characters' or teams' series that are important in their histories. I also added some notes that are important in their history. It's a work in progress, but maybe this will help Hawkman, Hawkwoman, and Hawkgirl fans navigate through the world of Hawkworld comics. Enjoy!

Note: Not all of the team issues are listed here. I tried to look back and list just the significant moments in the teams' (Justice Society, Justice League, All-Star Squadron) issues. If there are some moments that you think should be added, please comment below!

Update: I just added a separate page for the trade paperbacks, collections, omnibuses, etc. Go to the bottom of the page and click the tab!

The List of Hawkworld Comics 1939-2020 

Hawkman Legacy Comics List 

Hawkman Trade Paperbacks, Omnibuses,  Collections

(Alternate Link) The List of Hawkworld Comics 1939-2020

Apr 25, 2020

The Greatest Hawkgirl/Hawkwoman Stories

By Tim Board

Art by Ed Coutts
On April 25, 1941, in All-Star Comics No. 5, Shiera Sanders became Hawkgirl for the first time, and so began the story of one of the most famous and recognizable characters in the history of DC Comics. Hawkgirl may have been a sort of sidekick to Hawkman in the beginning, but she is no man's sidekick now. She is one of the most interesting and powerful characters in comics, with her own set of powers, abilities, and history. I could have gone into her history to celebrate Hawkgirl Day 2020, but this year I thought I would list my favorite Hawkgirl stories. I'm sure every Hawkgirl/Hawkwoman fan has their own favorites, so my apologies in advance if they aren't on the list. I also tried to do a countdown of best stories, but that proved to be difficult since I like them equally. So here are my favorite Hawkgirl/Hawkwoman stories in chronological order. Let us know which is your favorite in the comments!

Feb 20, 2020

Jan 14, 2020

Tim Board Highlights of Four Years of Hawkworld!

Four years of Hawkworld! On Wednesday, January 15th, it will be four years since I decided to start a Hawkman group. In 4 years, it's expanded to Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and a blog. It's been an amazing 4 years! There have been many things that I never dreamed would happen when I started. This is a purely personal list, but here are the top moments for me since I started Hawkworld.

Dec 26, 2019

Top Twelve Hawkworld Moments of the 2010s!

As we come to the close of the decade, it's time to look back on the past ten years and look at the best moments of the 2010s for Hawkworld. It was a turbulent decade, to say the least (when is it not?), but there is some comfort in the fact that we find Hawkman and Hawkgirl/Hawkwoman in a fairly good place as we head into the 20s. I looked back over the last ten years and made a list of the top twelve moments of the decade for the Hawks. I'll do a countdown, saving No. 1 for last.