Art by Prentis Rollins (2017, Commissioned by Tim Board)

Mar 12, 2020

Board Review of Hawkman No. 22: Death's Doorway: From End to Beginning

Hawkman 22 Cover by Mikel Janin
Intense! There have been many Hawkman comics over the years that made me hold my breath as I read them. The Hawkworld series by Tim Truman and the Return of Hawkman in the JSA series by Geoff Johns come to mind. This issue was at that level. It was an intense story with the Sky Tyrant story seemingly approaching the climax.

Mar 7, 2020

Hawkman Lives Double Spread from Hawkman No. 22!

This was just released ahead of the March 11th, Wednesday release of Hawkman No. 22. Remember that double-page spread of Hawkman's lives we saw in No. 1? Here is the Hawkwoman version! Art by Fernando Pasarin, Oclair Albert, Wade Von Grawbadger and Jeromy Cox!

Feb 20, 2020

Feb 13, 2020

Board Review of Hawkman No. 21: Death's Doorway Part Two: The Key

Great Polaris! That was fun! Hawkman No. 21 continues the Sky Tyrant saga and this issue was a blast. At the end of the last issue, we were on an unnamed planet where a key is locked away and guarded by a huge, we’re talking gargantuan, guardian of the grave of one of Hawkman’s former lives called the Titan Hawk. Sky Tyrant wants this key to unlock a weapon that will cause widespread death across the universe and ensure that his reincarnating will continue forever.

Jan 14, 2020

Tim Board Highlights of Four Years of Hawkworld!

Four years of Hawkworld! On Wednesday, January 15th, it will be four years since I decided to start a Hawkman group. In 4 years, it's expanded to Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and a blog. It's been an amazing 4 years! There have been many things that I never dreamed would happen when I started. This is a purely personal list, but here are the top moments for me since I started Hawkworld.

Jan 12, 2020

Celebrating Hawkworld's 4th anniversary: Luke Edd

Hawkworld started 4 years ago on January 15, 2016. Since then, I've met many awesome fellow Hawkfans on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and on this blog. One of those fans is Luke Edd. Actually, Luke is one of the people who inspired me to start Hawkworld in the first place. Luke created maybe one of the very first Hawkman blogs back in 2008. "Being Carter Hall" covered Hawkman and Hawkgirl comics and news for many years. I enjoyed reading his articles and he just may have been the one who planted the idea in my head to start Hawkworld. Soon after I started Hawkworld, Luke joined the group and shared many things with Hawkfans over the last few years. To help celebrate Hawkworld's 4th anniversary, Luke shared his love for the character and graciously allowed me to share it with anyone else so here it is! 

Jan 9, 2020

Board Review of Hawkman No. 20: Death's Doorway Part One: Passengers

Cover by Pat Olliffe, Tom Palmer, Jeremiah Skipper
The Sky Tyrant saga has become a battle between a Deathbringer and a Lifebringer. Ever since he accepted the “gift” of reincarnation, Hawkman’s mission has been to save lives, to save as many people as he took as the general of Lord of the Void’s Deathbringers. Once he completes that task, his next death will be his last. You could say that he has become a Lifebringer. Meanwhile, the Sky Tyrant is from Earth-3, where everything is backward, so when Hawkman was reincarnated on Earth-3, he was born evil. He was a Deathbringer again. As we saw in Hawkman No. 18, he was killed by a group of heroes led by Shadow Sheriff. But ever since then, he has been in the consciousness of the other Hawkmen who came after him, watching them save lives and bring their lives to an end, including Sky Tyrant. When the Batman Who Laughs infected Hawkman, Sky Tyrant took the opportunity to take over again, vowing to take as many lives as he can and live forever.

Dec 26, 2019

Top Twelve Hawkworld Moments of the 2010s!

As we come to the close of the decade, it's time to look back on the past ten years and look at the best moments of the 2010s for Hawkworld. It was a turbulent decade, to say the least (when is it not?), but there is some comfort in the fact that we find Hawkman and Hawkgirl/Hawkwoman in a fairly good place as we head into the 20s. I looked back over the last ten years and made a list of the top twelve moments of the decade for the Hawks. I'll do a countdown, saving No. 1 for last.

Dec 20, 2019

Hawkworld History: Venditti's Journal from October 25, 2017

Robert Venditti shared a very interesting picture on his Instagram account! Back on October 25, 2017, he wrote in his journal the first time he thought of the idea of Hawkman to be reincarnating across both time and space! This is Hawkworld history! Venditti's Instagram link