Art by Prentis Rollins (2017, Commissioned by Tim Board)

Jun 17, 2020

Board Review of Hawkman No. 24: Hawks Eternal Part One: Side by Side

Hawkman No. 24
Writer: Robert Venditti
Pencils: Fernando Pasarin
Inks: Oclair Albert, Cam Smith, Wade von Grawbadger
Colors: Jeromy Cox
Letter: Rob Leigh
Editors: Andrea Shea, Alex R. Carr
Cover: Bryan Hitch, Alex Sinclair
Variant Cover: Gerardo Zaffino, Rain Beredo
DC Comics
Released June 16, 2020

Since Hawkman took off in June 2018, Robert Venditti has been rebuilding the character of Hawkman one step at a time. The steps have been in the form of Carter Hall's journal, the places he visits, the conversations he has had with the people he meets, and his past lives. At times he has taken very small steps, and at times he has taken giant strides.  Each step has revealed something about the man behind the Hawk helmet.

May 9, 2020

The List of Hawkworld Comics 1939-2020

I've put together a list of comics that Hawkman and Hawkwoman have appeared in since 1939. I have listed the regular series, mini-series, back-up features, one-shots, tie-ins, guest appearances and the issues from other characters' or teams' series that are important in their histories. I also added some notes that are important in their history. It's a work in progress, but maybe this will help Hawkman, Hawkwoman, and Hawkgirl fans navigate through the world of Hawkworld comics. Enjoy!

Note: Not all of the team issues are listed here. I tried to look back and list just the significant moments in the teams' (Justice Society, Justice League, All-Star Squadron) issues. If there are some moments that you think should be added, please comment below!

Update: I just added a separate page for the trade paperbacks, collections, omnibuses, etc. Go to the bottom of the page and click the tab!

The List of Hawkworld Comics 1939-2020 

Hawkman Legacy Comics List 

Hawkman Trade Paperbacks, Omnibuses,  Collections

(Alternate Link) The List of Hawkworld Comics 1939-2020

May 5, 2020

Board Review of Hawkman No. 23: Miasma of Fear

It was a long wait, 55 days to be exact, but Hawkman No. 23 was finally released. We were left in suspense about the story about a "Plague Doctor" in the 17th century Europe coming out while the world is fighting a pandemic in real-time. It was uncanny, to say the least, but writer Robert Venditti had the idea for the story back in October. And it leads right into a moment we've been wanting for a long time.

Apr 25, 2020

The Greatest Hawkgirl/Hawkwoman Stories

By Tim Board

Art by Ed Coutts
On April 25, 1941, in All-Star Comics No. 5, Shiera Sanders became Hawkgirl for the first time, and so began the story of one of the most famous and recognizable characters in the history of DC Comics. Hawkgirl may have been a sort of sidekick to Hawkman in the beginning, but she is no man's sidekick now. She is one of the most interesting and powerful characters in comics, with her own set of powers, abilities, and history. I could have gone into her history to celebrate Hawkgirl Day 2020, but this year I thought I would list my favorite Hawkgirl stories. I'm sure every Hawkgirl/Hawkwoman fan has their own favorites, so my apologies in advance if they aren't on the list. I also tried to do a countdown of best stories, but that proved to be difficult since I like them equally. So here are my favorite Hawkgirl/Hawkwoman stories in chronological order. Let us know which is your favorite in the comments!

Mar 21, 2020

Preview of Hawkman No. 23 (May 5 Release)

Note: Hawkman was originally scheduled to be released on April 8th. The new release date is May 5th. 

Hawkman No. 23 has been raising eyebrows and getting some headlines like the following:

Comic Book Resources: DC Introduces a Very, VERY Different Hawkman in April
Comicon: Fighting Off The Plague In ‘Hawkman’ #23 Seems Rather Prescient 

Preview of the first five pages on Graphic Policy

The issue is about a former life of Hawkman during the 17th century. He was a character called the Plague Doctor and he lived in Europe during the Black Plague. Here is the explanation of the issue from DC Comics'  April solicitations.

Mar 15, 2020

DC Solicitations for June 2020

The DC Solicitations for June 2020 are out. Hawkman No. 25 is set to be released on June 10. There was a big surprise in that the book will have a new art team. Marco Castiello and Danny Mike will be doing the book this time around. No idea if it is a one-off or continuing thing. The cover is by Mikel Janin, and we get our first look at the Lord of the Void. Robert Venditti will continue writing the book! Here's the info on the book: 
Clash from the past! Hawkman and Hawkwoman wage war against the Lord Beyond the Void in a desperate bid to escape his realm! Once the god to whom Hawkman answered, now his mortal enemy—the Lord hates the hero Hawkman has become and will stop at nothing to drain his life force away and put an end to his reincarnations for good!
Don't miss Hawkman No. 25 on June 10th! 

Art by Mikel Janin

Mar 12, 2020

Board Review of Hawkman No. 22: Death's Doorway: From End to Beginning

Hawkman 22 Cover by Mikel Janin
Intense! There have been many Hawkman comics over the years that made me hold my breath as I read them. The Hawkworld series by Tim Truman and the Return of Hawkman in the JSA series by Geoff Johns come to mind. This issue was at that level. It was an intense story with the Sky Tyrant story seemingly approaching the climax.

Mar 7, 2020

Hawkman Lives Double Spread from Hawkman No. 22!

This was just released ahead of the March 11th, Wednesday release of Hawkman No. 22. Remember that double-page spread of Hawkman's lives we saw in No. 1? Here is the Hawkwoman version! Art by Fernando Pasarin, Oclair Albert, Wade Von Grawbadger and Jeromy Cox!

Feb 20, 2020