Art by Prentis Rollins (2017, Commissioned by Tim Board)

Oct 22, 2019

Hawkman 80th Celebration Fan Art!

Hawkman Day is coming up on November 10, 2019! We've chosen this day as Hawkman Day because Hawkman first appeared in the comics on November 10, 1939. Flash Comics No. 1's cover date is January 1940, but the comic was actually released on Nov. 10. Since we got the ball for the event rolling, Hawkfans have been sharing their art of the Winged Wonder. As the art is released, I'll be adding everyone's art to this post, so if you have some art to share, give me a shoutout on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram and I'll post it here, along with your name and the source. Click the name to go to the original source! Let's make Hawkman Day a day to celebrate one of the most iconic characters in comics!

Oct 20, 2019

Hawkman 80th Celebration: The Best Comic Book Series

Hawkman first appeared in the comics on November 10, 1939, in Flash Comics No. 1. Since then, Hawkman has been featured in eight regular series and several mini-series, back-up features and one-off issues. The Winged Wonder has been written and drawn by many of the greatest writers and artists in comics since the very beginning. Whenever I'm asked to come on a podcast or YouTube video, I'm always asked which series is my favorite. This question is always a tough one because it's impossible to choose just one. As comic book fans, we all have those issues that stay with us through the years. It can be for any reason; the writing, the art, or the characters. But when that special comic comes at a certain time in our lives, it stays with us and becomes a part of our own history. Comics have that kind of magic when it all comes together. As a Hawkfan, there are issues that stand out in my memory. There are series that I enjoyed more than others, and when I want to read my favorite hero again, I instinctively reach for those favorites. For this article, I've chosen the five series that have stayed with me and have remained my favorites over the years. In chronological order;

Oct 10, 2019

Hawkman 80th Anniversary Collage: "Across Time and Space"

During the past year or so, artist Nicola Scott has put out some beautiful covers of Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, and Nightwing. The pictures show the history of the heroes from their first appearance to the most recent. To celebrate the 80th anniversary of Hawkman's first appearance in Flash Comics No. 1 on November 10, 1939, I decided to put together a collage of Hawkman art. I started on this picture a few months ago and it took a lot more time and effort than I expected. Since I'm not an artist, I decided to put together pictures from art by the many artists who have drawn Hawkman over the years. It was not easy. Not only did I have to look for a clean front shot of the characters, but I also had to find pictures that included the wings. I often found a great picture, only to have the wings cut off by the panels or word bubbles overlapping the art. I added the title "Across Time and Space" from the current Hawkman series by Robert Venditti. I'll list the name of the artists and add some comments below. Click the picture for a better look.
Hawkman created by Gardner Fox

Board Review of Hawkman No. 17: Darkness Within: Black Mantle

   Hawkman has been a hero who always seems to have a rage inside of him. We've seen stories where the rage came bursting out in full force. And when it's a character who carries around a spiked mace, the end result can be brutal. In the climax of the Shadow Thief story, we see it once again.


Sep 22, 2019

Shadow Thief: Villain of Darkness

Shadow Thief by Bill Sienkiewicz
---It seems like some kinda destiny that him (Hawkman) and I are gonna keep runnin' into one another. 
---Shadow Thief 
     Lex Luthor. Joker. Cheetah. Professor Zoom. Black Manta. Sinestro. All of these villains are instantly recognizable to comic book fans as the main adversaries of the DC Comics' superheroes. They constantly, almost too frequently, show up in the comics of the heroes. DC Comics has deemed 2019 as the Year of the Villain, and for the main adversary to fight Hawkman, Shadow Thief was chosen. Many Hawkfans may have chosen Gentleman Ghost, Hath-Set, or Byth as Hawkman's main antagonist. But out of all the Hawk-villains, and there are many, Shadow Thief has the most appearances in the comics over the years. Shadow Thief, along with Gentleman Ghost, are probably the two most famous and popular Hawk-villains. Shadow Thief has made his presence felt in DC Comics over the years, so it can be said that he deserves the spotlight There have been a few versions of the Shadow Thief, but I'll focus on the most famous, original and current Shadow Thief, Carl Sands.