| JSA No. 6 |
 | Green Lantern Corps No. 3 |
In the current Green Lantern Corps series, Hawkwoman will be making an appearance in March. She will be fighting alongside John Stewart and some of the other Green Lanterns to save Thanagar. First, here are some comments that Jeremy Adams made about Hawkwoman in a recent interview (from Newsorama):
It’s already out there that Hawkwoman is going to play a part in this book. How does she fit in?
Adams: That's a good question! Well, first of all, the redesign by Fernando is great. If you've been reading the Green Lantern book, Mogo took a giant chunk out of Thanagar – like, it's basically destroyed. There's very few Thanagarians left, so I think that Hawkwoman has a lot of grief and anger – and Thanagarians aren't really known for therapy, so there's lots [to explore] there. We're also playing off our love of [animated series] Justice League Unlimited. There’s this kind of undercurrent of feeling between John and her, even if that hasn't been in the main continuity, and that's going to be interesting see play out.
Hampton: It’s been a lot of fun to figure out and flesh out what exactly we're going to do there, because we know that, even if it’s maybe not in continuity, fans are clamoring for there to be something. So how do we play with that, you know?
Adams: My first credit on television was Green Lantern: The Animated series. And so there's things that we're pulling into the main continuity now. Razer’s in the Green Lantern Corps now. Also in the world of the Thanagarians, Nth Metal has a really big part to play in the ongoing arc.
Justice League No. 14 |
OK, let's remember who the current Hawkwoman is. She is the Empress/Leader of Thanagar. She was married to the Savage Hawkman (that's why she is Shayera Hol, not Shayera Thal), but during the battle with Despero (Death of Hawkman, 2016-2017), Hawkman died and Thanagar was destroyed. Hawkwoman took her people to the ancestral home of the Thanagarians called Thanagar Prime. They were rebuilding their planet after overthrowing Onimar Synn at the end of the Metal series (2018).
 | Hawkman Vol. V No. 19 |
 | Hawkman Vol. V No. 29 |
Hawkman (Carter Hall III) returned from the Dark Multiverse and was active again on Earth. Shayera was aware of his return but was not able to go to him. However, when the Batman Who Laughs caused Hawkman's evil Earth-3 counterpart to take over, the Shade asked for help and Hawkwoman came to bring Carter back. She was successful and they were finally reunited. They were completely in love, partners again, and given the gift of a long life after their reincarnation cycle ended.
Hawkman Vol. V No. 23 |
This is where they stand now. Carter and Shayera are together. They chose to be together over eternal life and are living out their last life together, however long it may be. Robert Venditti showed us in Hawkman Vol V (2018-2021) that they are still living together in the 40th century. Nothing has happened to suggest this has changed.
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Hawkman Vol. V No. 29 |
However, current writers are either ignoring this version or changing it up again. In the current JSA series, Carter and Kendra are members of the Justice Society, not Shayera. Writer Jeff Lemire has apparently mentioned in an interview that Shayera will show up eventually, perhaps after the current GL Corps storyline is finished. But putting Carter and Kendra back together on the same team has left some Hawkfans thoroughly confused.
Meanwhile, Shayera is apparently back on a half-destroyed (again?!) Thanagar with John Stewart. No. Just No. One of the worst things to have ever happened to the Hawks is that Shayera-John Stewart relationship and how they had Carter out as a stalker. Don't do that mistake again. Carter and Shayera are back together. Hawkman and Hawkwoman work best when they are together. If you just HAVE to put John Stewart with a Hawk-character, put his with Kendra. She has parted ways with the Martian Manhunter so she's totally available and I'm sure Kendra will be more than happy to get away from Carter and Shayera.
Come on, guys. Don't screw this up. Hawkman, Hawkman and Hawkgirl have the perfect setup for all three of them, and there is no need to kick that soap opera that Geoff Johns put us through again. It's been done and it didn't really work. The Hawks work best when Carter/ Hawkman and Shayera/Hawkwoman are together, and Kendra is far away doing her own thing. Throwing Shayera back together with John Stewart will destroy everything beautiful that Venditti set up. Don't do it. We'll see how this plays out in the next few months. Wings crossed and hoping for the best!
Tim, is there any way we can as a community sign some kind of (politely) worded letter expressing and suggesting that Jeremy read Venditti's series and not undo it? I cannot believe how much I hate this. I do not, under any circumstances, want to see this happen again. Gosh that animated series has ruined so much when it comes to the Hawks
ReplyDeleteI don't think Jeff Lemire has undone it just yet. I'm kinda on the wait and hope for the best stage. Kendra and Carter have shown no affection towards each other in the series. And we are not quite sure what Shayera's situation is yet. Lemire told me that he knew the guy who was taking the Hawkman series (turned out to be Venditti) back in 2018, so I'm sure he knows. The thing I'm most worried about is the editors. DC's biggest problem seems to be the editors not having any central theme or goal at the moment. Just throwing things at the wall and see what will stick for a couple of issues.
DeleteI agree 100%. I will give him his props for what he is doing on Aquaman right now but this is a situation when it is best to leave well enough alone.
ReplyDeletePersonally if It was kendra.
ReplyDeleteI'd say go for it. But leave share out of this
Shayera Hol is What I meant to say
ReplyDeleteI’m worried.
ReplyDelete-Matthew Lloyd