Art by Prentis Rollins (2017, Commissioned by Tim Board)
Showing posts with label Hawkwoman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hawkwoman. Show all posts

Oct 14, 2024

How long have the Hawks existed?

 DC's 20 Oldest Heroes, Ranked By Age

CBR put out a ranking of the top 20 oldest DC heroes, and both Hawkman and Hawkwoman are on the list. Hawkman's first life as General Ktar of the Deathbringers and Hawkwoman's first life as Shrra the Herald. It's impossible to know when they first came into existence. They both lived an incredibly long time before their reincarnation cycle of thousands of lives even began. 
 Hawkman is listed at No. 12. He appears to have been created by the Lord of the Void for the purpose of conquering planets and as Hawkman Vol. V No. 7 (February 2019) indicates, Ktar was alive and active for a very long time before he finally broke free of the Lord of the Void's control with Shrra's help/ My guess would be at least 100,000 years old but it could be even longer than that. 
 Hawkwoman comes in at No. 6 as she is probably even older. The fact that she was a herald of the god entity that appears in the issue mentioned above would indicate that she was created at the beginning of this god's existence.  
 There is no doubt that Hawkman and Hawkwoman have been arround for an extremely long time. Their knowledge of history and their expertise gathered from their previous lives is criminally underused by DC Comics writers. It would be a fascinating subject to explore and it would set the Hawks apart from most DC characters. 
 It appears that they sometimes forget some of their past lives until they come across a place or an artifact that triggers their memories and helps them remember. In Hawkman's very first appearance in Flash Comics No. 1 (January 1940), Gardner Fox set this up beautifully with the Nth metal knife that caused Carter Hall to remember his life as Prince Khufu of Egypt. Robert Venditti used the same method to help Hawkman rememeber his past lives on Krypton and other places. This would be an interesting thread for a writer to tackle someday. Even a TV show that introduces a different memory trigger each week would be very interesting. The possibilities are countless. 
 What do you think? How long do you think the Hawks have existed? Let us know what you think in the comments!  

Jun 25, 2024

The Writers with the Most Hawkman/Hawkgirl Stories

Since their debut in Flash Comics No. 1 (January 1940), Hawkman and Hawkgirl have been written by some of the top writers in the history of comics. Here is a list of the writers with ten or more Hawkman/Hawkgirl stories. These writers have written stories for Hawkman/Hawkgirl series, mini-series, back-up features and one shots. The Hawks have truly been blessed with some of the greatest names in comics history! Check out the amazing list below!

Gardner Fox

John Ostrander

Robert Venditti

Jun 22, 2024

The Complete History of Hawkman, Hawkwoman and Hawkgirl by Tim Board

   To celebrate Hawkman Day, I started writing a history of Hawkman, Hawkwoman, and Hawkgirl in the comics. The only problem is, I started writing it in 2021! Life can get busy and this project got shoved aside many times over the last 2 and a half years. I'm not a professional writer. The only things that I have to offer are my knowledge of the characters as I have seen them in the comics, and my love for the characters. It's a pretty tough task to include everything in the Hawks' 84-year history, but I did my best.  It is rather long and I will try to break it up later, but if you are a Hawkfan, I hope you enjoy going through their history and that the references will help you find what you are looking for. I don't know how much longer I will be able to do Hawkworld, but I'm glad I was able to finish this and get it out for Hawkman's 84th anniversary of his first appearance in Flash Comics No. 1, way back on November 20, 1939. Feel free to leave some comments after you finish reading. Thanks for always supporting Hawkworld! 

The Complete History of Hawkman, Hawkwoman and Hawkgirl by Tim Board

Jun 13, 2024

10 Best Hawkman Moments of All Time (ScreenRant) Plus a Few from Tim Board!

Hawkman Vol. V by Robert Venditti, 2018-2021, 29 Issues, 4 Trades

   Hawkman Vol. V by Robert Venditti kicked off on June 13, 2018, six years ago! For two and a half years, Venditti gave us one of the best Hawkan series, some fans say best ever, and it has only grown in popularity since it wrapped up in November 2020. About a month ago, ScreenRant's Ashley Land put out a list of the ten best moments from the series so I'll share it here. There were so many great moments, it's pretty hard to limit the list to only ten, so I'll add a few more that didn't make the list. This is full of spoilers so if you haven't read the series, do yourself a favor and stop reading. Come back and share your thoughts. 
Here is the list on ScreenRant first. You can check out the article here for more details. 

Jun 5, 2024

Hawkman's Series Included in List of Instant Classics

    People often ask me what I consider as the best Hawkman and Hawkgirl series in their 80+ years of history. Over the years, Hawkman has had six solo series, a few mini-series and several series in other books. Hawkgirl has also had two of her own series in the past. Some stand out more than the others. I always name Gardner Fox's two 3-issue series in the Brave and the Bold, Tony Isabella's Shadow War of Hawkman, Benjamin Raab's Legend of the Hawkman, and Robert Venditti's Hawkman Vol. V.     
   Hawkman Vol. 1 by Fox and Hawkworld by Timothy Truman could easily be on that list as well. John Ostrander's Hawkworld Vol. 2 started out well and peaked with the Escape from Thanagar storyline, while Hawkman Vol. 3 also had a good start with the battle with Count Viper, but both series struggled in the end. Geoff Johns' series has gradually paled over the years and while the art by Rags Morales is second to none, Johns' Hawkman did a lot of damage to the character. It suffers when compared to Venditti's series that came later. 
   A CBR article by Timothy Blake Donohoo put out a list of series that should be regarded as instand classics, and Truman's Hawkworld (#4) and Venditti's Hawkman (#1) both made the list. DC really screwed up when they decided to place the Hawkworld in the current time instead of making it a reboot, and they have been trying to fix that mistake for over 30 years now. Venditti's series had the misfortune of having to deal with the meaningless Year of the Villain/Secret Six story and then the Coronavirus, and DC did next to nothing to promote the series, so it ended before we could make it out of 2020. 
   We are quickly approaching 4 years without a Hawkman title, and nothing is on the horizon at this time. Hawkgirl had a series last year, but I personally would never recommend that to anyone. However, some fans appeared to have liked it so check it out at your own risk. Hawkman does have some gems in his history and I hope fans will check out the series I mentioned above. 

Here is a list of the series and comics that Hawkman has appeared in over the years. LINK 

Here is a complete list of Hawkman and Hawkgirl trades and collections that are out as of this date. The contents are listed as well. LINK 

Happy hunting! And here's to hoping DC will give Hawkman and Hawkgirl another series soon! 

May 2, 2024

Hawkworld News (March - April 2024)

The year 2024 has been rather quiet so far for Hawkman, Hawkwoman, and Hawkgirl. The last two months had very little news or rumors of upcoming projects for the Hawks, but here is a look back at what we managed to find. 

The solicitations for June (announced on March 16) and July (announced on April 20) did not have any news for Hawkman or Hawkgirl. They have popped up in some cameos or as background filler for some covers or variants, but that's been it for a few months. Here are the trades of back issues that they will or might appear in.

     Hawkman and Hawkgirl appear in "Batman's Longest Case."
ELSEWORLDS: JUSTICE LEAGUE VOL. 1 (2024 EDITION) / Released August 20 
     Hawkman appears as Katar Johnson, a Native American warrior in "Justice Riders."
     Hawkman appears on the cover. 

Hawkworld Facebook hit 10,000 members in April. When I started the group back in 2016, I never imagined the group would grow so big, but there are many Hawkfans out there! The group continues to grow and many Hawkman/Hawkgirl creators such as Tony Isabella and Rags Morales also have joined. There are over 150 writers. artists, and editors who have honored the group by joining and sharing their work and backstories. Hawkworld Instagram and Hawkworld Threads also continue to grow. This blog also continues to get over 300 views a day and we're quickly approaching 500,000 views! Thank you to everyone for your support and come join us if you haven't already! 

That's it for this report. Stay tuned for more Hawkman/Hawkgirl news here on Hawkworld! 

Mar 6, 2024

Hawkworld News (January-February 2024)

   Two months of 2024 have already passed, but things have been pretty quiet in Hawkworld. Unfortunately, there has been zero news about Hawkman, Hawkwoman, or Hawkgirl coming up in the comics. There may be tiny cameos here and there, but nothing has been really worth checking out. There appears to be some sort of bounty hunter called "The Thanagarian" (or so I've been told) in a (where else?) Batman book, but it is probably completely unrelated to any of the Hawks. I guess DC didn't have enough material for the two dozen Batman books so they have started strip-mining other heroes' properties for stories. 
   News has been slow about the Superman Legacy movie has well. I guess they have started filming or will be soon. There are a few articles about Isabel Merced working out or trying on her Hawkgirl helmet for the first time but that's about it. There are the usual comics sites' top ten whatever lists, and Hawkman shows up on those sometimes but it's pretty easy reading. About a month ago, Aldis Hodge was doing the interview rounds for his new movie and he got the inevitable questions about Hawkman. The only news we got was that there is nothing happening at the moment, and that he would love to move on and play Green Lantern John Stewart if he could. It looks like the Aldis Hodge-Hawkman ship has sailed. A quick Hawkman news search will bring those up if you want some extremely light articles. I'll list a couple of links to the articles that have come out in the last month or so. 
   We may hear something later on in the year, but so far, the solicitations for comics up through May have revealed nothing. The wait continues. 
   In the meantime, there are some great Hawkman and Hawkgirl stories out there. I've compiled a list of all the Hawkman and Hawkgirl trades with the contents listed as well, so if you want to know what to look for, check out the list. If you haven't read Robert Venditti's Hawkman series yet, it's alvailable in four volumes. I can't recommend this one enough. As for the recent Hawkgirl series, the trade is supposed to come out in April, but I do not, repeat, do not recommend it unless you're a completist and must have it for your comics collection. 
   If you see Hawkman or Hawkgirl pop up somewhere in the comics, let me know in the comments and I'll try to let all the Hawkfans know. Hawkworld on Facebook has passed over 9200 members, and Hawkworld on Threads is slowly climbing to 1,000 followers (745 at the time of this writing). Come join or give Hawkworld a follow if you haven't already. 
   As Better Midler would probably say, the fans are the wind beneath Hawkman's wings, so it's up to us Hawkfans to keep Hawkman and Hawkgirl soaring. Jim Lee won't be at the top forever, and it's always the darkest right before the dawn. Or in DC's case, after the Dawn. Keep soaring! 

Aldis Hodge Has Bad News for Hawkman Return in James Gunn's DC (Exclusive)

Art by Prentis Rollins (Commissined by Tim Board)

Jan 15, 2024

8th Anniversary of Hawkworld!


Commission by Prentis Rollins (Made specifically for Hawkworld)

     Hawkworld is celebrating our 8th anniversary today! It all started on Facebook on January 15, 2016. It's been eight years of ups and downs, but overall it has been an amazing time. It's been one of the most unbelievable experiences of my lifetime, and it has soared higher than I ever imagined when I started it. Of course, it would have never gotten off the ground and it wouldn't have lasted this long without all the fellow fans who have joined, followed, and contributed their art, cosplays, figures, comics, and opinions. So much has happened over the last eight years and I'm sure to forget some things but here's a look back at the highlights. 

Dec 29, 2023

Tim Board's Review of Hawkworld 2023

Hawkman and Hawkgirl by Bo Hampton 2023

   For Hawkman, Hawkgirl, and Hawkwoman fans, 2023 was a year of teases, endless waiting, cameos, and possibly the worst series featuring a Hawk character since Hawkman's debut in 1939. Here's a quick rundown of the year and a list of the comics where Hawkman, Hawkgirl, and Hawkman made some sort of appearance. 

Dec 3, 2023

Hawkman and Hawkgirl News and Info (November 19-December 2)

Hawkman Day was November 20 and I was busy trying to get The Complete History of Hawkman, Hawkwoman, and Hawkgirl finished, so I took a week off from posting any news or articles. So this week I'll cover two weeks' worth. 

Nov 13, 2023

Now Just a Hawkworld Minute: Wings!

#002: Wings! Strap-On or Organic?
   Hawkman's wings have been different over the years. From 1939 -1994, they were strapped on his back. the Golden Age Carter Hall I, Silver to Bronze Age Katar Hol I, and Hawkworld's Katar Hol II all had strap-on wings. When Katar Hol II merged with Carter Hall I and the Hawk avatar, he had organic wings that emerged from his back for the first time. New Earth's Carter Hall II (Geoff Johns' version, 2001-2011) also had strap-on wings. The New 52 Katar Hol III (2011-2017) had the Nth metal in his body, much like Venow in Marvel Comics, and his wings, costume, and weapons automatically came out whenever it sensed that he needed it. 

Nov 12, 2023

New Feature! Just a Hawkworld Minute!

Read up on a Hawkman/Hawkgirl fact in one minute! This is a new feature for the Hawkworld blog. Let me know what you think in the comments!

#001: The Origin of Hawkman

Hawkman Vol. V No. 7
(February 2019)

Hawkman Vol. V No. 25
(August 2020)

#001 Ktar the Deathbringer and Shrra the Herald 
Millions of years ago, the Lord of the Void (LOTV) existed in another dimension. He desired to enter other dimensions and rule over them, so he created an army of winged soldiers called the Deathbringers. Ktar was also created at this time. He was the general of the LOTV's army and served the entity without question. For millions of years, Ktar and the Deathbringers would conquer planet after planet, sacrificing the people to the LOTV, which gradually gave the entity the power to enter other dimensions to conquer and destroy. 

Nov 11, 2023

Three Years Ago: The Hawkman Vol. V Run Came to an End


   On November 10, 2020, Hawkman Vol. V by Robert Venditti came to a close. It started in June 2018, ran for 29 issues, and gave Hawkman (Carter Hall III) and Hawkwoman (Shayera Hol II) a fantastic reunion and a wonderful future. It expanded on Hawkman and Hawkwoman's origins, their relationship, Hawkman's friendship with Atom and even The Shade, and gave new abilities and even a new ship. It has become many Hawkfans' favorite Hawkman series of all time. So what has happened during the last three years? 

Oct 15, 2023

Hawkman and Hawkgirl News and Info (October 8-14)


Here is where the Hawks showed up this week! 

The Secret Files and Origins: Hawkman (October 2002)

10 Most Surprising Professions of Justice League Members in DC History (Gobookmart)
   About 15 heroes were listed, and the Hawks as museum curators were on the list as well. This was kind of surprising because the Hawks' use of weapons and their knowledge of archaeology made them perfect for the job. Even Shayera says in a Superman team-up story that she knows more about archaeology than most of the Ph.D.s on the planet. But the article does note that the job was a perfect fit for them. 

Oct 8, 2023

Hawkman and Hawkgirl News and Info (October 1-7)

   Things are a bit slow in Hawkworld at the moment, so news-worthy updates are a bit hard to come by. The Hawks are still popping up here in there, mostly in CBR's Top Ten lists and updates-that-aren't-really-updates on Hawkgirl in Superman Legacy articles. If alert Hawkfans notice something in the news, throw me a message here or on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Bluesky, or Mastodon and I'll add it to the next update! Keep soaring! 

Black Adam (2022)

Oct 4, 2023

Write an article and post it on Hawkworld!


Carter Hall, 40th Century Writer (Hawkman Vol. V #29)

  Write an article for Hawkworld! 
  Do you want to share your love and knowledge of Hawkman, Hawkgirl, Hawkwoman, and all things Hawkworld? Write an article about your topic and send it to me to be posted on the Hawkworld blog! I will also post it on Facebook (7300 members), Twitter (7600 followers), Instagram (1700 followers), Mastodon (over 200 followers), and Bluesky (just opened). An article posted here usually gets around 100-200 hits the first couple of days. Send me your idea for an article or the article you want posted to my e-mail account and I’ll respond as soon as I can. Let’s keep writing about the Hawks and keep them soaring!

Tim Board email:

Oct 1, 2023

Hawkman and Hawkgirl in the News (September 24-30)

Here's the weekly round of the Hawks in the news and other places during the past week. 

   The information for this has been like pulling teeth, but it appears that the story by Cavan Scott (script) and Fico Ossio (art) will finally be partially released in Superboy Man of Tomorrow #6 (October 10). But I'm also hearing that it will only be released on the digital version, which is not available to most countries outside of the U.S., and that only the first part will be released. I tried for an hour to find information about it on the DC Comics site but finally gave up and went to other sources and pieced it together. Extremely frustrating but at least we're getting something. 

Art by Fico Ossio

Sep 27, 2023

Follow Hawkworld!

   Give Hawkworld a follow! I've never made this request for the Hawkworld blog before, but with social media going through constant changes (ex. Xitter), I want to solidify Hawkworld's support so fans can keep up with Hawkman, Hawkgirl, Hawkwoman, and the other Hawkworld characters through this site. If you haven't done so already, I've provided some ways to show your support for Hawkworld. 

1. Subscribe 
    I've posted two Subscribe links provided by Blogger on the blog. There is a button near the top right and also near the bottom right. Try that and see how it works for you. 

2. RSS
    Many people still use their RSS feed to follow their favorite sites. Add Hawkworld for updates!

3. Follow 
    To show your support for the site, please click the FOLLOW button near the bottom right of the page. Before putting out the word a couple days ago, there were only eight followers, but after a post on some sites, the number has been going up! My goal (for now): 1000 followers! Let's show the comic community the Hawkfans' love for the characters! 

If there are other ways that you follow Hawkworld, let me know in the comments section and I'll add it to the list for other fans. As always, thanks for supporting Hawkworld! 

Sep 18, 2023

The Timeline of Hawkman and Hawkgirl Comics

Here is the timeline for Hawkman and Hawkgirl fans that I made today for my fellow Hawkfans. The print is a bit small, but I wanted to fit everything on it. If you click the pic, you can see it a bit better. If you want the original PDF file, e-mail me at, and I'll send it to you the first chance I get.