Art by Prentis Rollins (2017, Commissioned by Tim Board)
Showing posts with label Robert Venditti. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Robert Venditti. Show all posts

Mar 24, 2019

Hawk Talk Episode #4: The Continuity of the Current Hawkman

Hawk Talk Episode #4 is up! Link 

1. Contents
2. Get the Hawkman comic!
3. The continuity of Hawkman/Carter Hall in the current Hawkman series. 
3. This week in Hawkworld History
4. Upcoming comics with Hawkman and Hawkgirl
5. Reminder for Hawkgirl Day, April 25th

Mar 16, 2019

Hawk Talk Episode #3: Hawkman No. 10 / Bryan Hitch Leaving the Series

Hawk Talk Episode No. 3 is up!  Link

1. Today's content
2. Get the Hawkman comic!
3. Bryan Hitch's Ideas for Hawkman's Costume and Mace
4. Review of Hawkman No. 11
5. This Week in Hawkworld History
6. Upcoming Hawkman Comics
7. Reminder for Hawkgirl Day
8. Bryan Hitch Leaving the Hawkman Series

My Love Affair with Bryan Hitch's Hawkman

We found out today that Bryan Hitch's run on the current Hawkman series will end with issue No. 12. I've known this for a while, but the official news made me reflect on the amazing run that Bryan has had with Hawkman. My love affair with Bryan's Hawkman began on December 29, 2017. That was the day Hawkman Found was released. I'll never forget it. I really didn't know what to expect but I was stunned. It was absolutely the most beautiful Hawkman comic I had ever seen. I had never seen the wings drawn that way and in such detail. The expressions of Carter Hall. Those Manhawks. The issue was a masterpiece and I couldn't get enough of it. I wanted more. And then about two and a half months later, my wish became reality.

Mar 14, 2019

Board Review of Hawkman No. 10: "London Falling"

   It's a good thing February was a short month. The pressure in the current Hawkman story by Robert Venditti and Bryan Hitch has been building up steam ever since the first issue and at the end of No. 9, you could start to hear that ear-piercing whistle starting to blow. Well, the lid just blew off in issue No. 10.

Feb 13, 2019

Board Review of Hawkman No. 9: "Descent"

The Hawkman series by Robert Venditti and Bryan Hitch has finally entered the final climax. After going through time and space and discovering who he really is/was, meeting three of his former selves, recovering his space ship, and failing to find the weapon to defeat the Deathbringers, Carter Hall is back on Earth to face the enemy. It appears that the final four issues will bring us the battle between Hawkman and the enemy that he has dreaded for so long.

Jan 27, 2019

Solving the Mystery of Thanagar Prime and Shayera Hol of the Justice League Series

In Scott Snyder and James Tynion IV's recent Hawkworld storyline in Justice League No. 14-16, we were introduced to a Shayera Hol who we did not recognize, Katar Hol aka The Savage Hawkman from the Death of Hawkman series, and a Thanagar we have never seen before. Since the Hawkworld storyline came out in December, Hawkfans have been wondering who these characters are. There has been a lot of debate about it. However, writer James Tynion IV graciously answered some questions on Twitter today, so with those facts, I'll try to break it down and explain who these characters are. There is no complete explanation, and there will still be some debate, but that's half the fun,  right? So, let's fly in and see if we can break it down.

Jan 17, 2019

Board Review of Hawkman No. 8: "Requiem"

Ever since last summer when it was revealed that Hawkman was a Kryptonian in a former life, fans have been looking forward to this issue. We've been waiting to see how Hawkman has a part in the history of Superman's home planet and how that is going to help him defeat the threat that is coming to Earth. We even found out in a preview that Hawkman is now the "Living Historical Document of the Universe." The issue by Robert Venditti and Bryan Hitch was a surprise in several ways, but maybe not in the way many were expecting. This was an issue that threw us down to the depths of despair and death, with the hope that Hawkman is going to figure out a way to soar above it all. Because that's what Hawkman is all about.

Dec 29, 2018

Review of Hawkworld 2018

What a difference a year makes! At the end of last year, Hawkman and Hawkgirl had no comic, but they had been brought back in Scott Snyder's Metal series and we were anxiously waiting for news of a comic. Let's look back on the amazing year the Hawks had in 2018!

Dec 12, 2018

"Origin": Board Review of Hawkman No. 7

Hawkman (2018) No. 7
Writer: Robert Venditti
Penciller: Bryan Hitch
Inkers: Hitch, Andrew Currie
Colorist: Jeremiah Skipper
Lettering: Starkings and Comicraft
Cover: Bryan Hitch, Alex Sinclair
Variant Cover: Julian Totino Todesco
Assistant Editor: Andrew Marino
Group Editor: Marie Javins
Released December 12, 2018

In Hawkman No. 7, we finally get the origin of Hawkman that we have been promised for months. In an interview before the series began in June, writer Robert Venditti told us he had thought of a way to bring all of the Hawkman versions together. In the very first issue, we found out that Hawkman reincarnates across time and space. In issue No. 7, we discover how it all happened.

Dec 10, 2018

EXCLUSIVE FIRST LOOK — HAWKMAN’s New Official Origin (From 13th Dimension)

The website 13th Dimension has posted the first six pages of Hawkman No. 7. It is due to be released on December 12th,  but we get an early glimpse of the new origin of Hawkman by writer Robert Venditti. Go check it out! LINK