Art by Prentis Rollins (2017, Commissioned by Tim Board)

Oct 22, 2022

The Hawkman/Hawkgirl History Chart!

Hawkman and Hawkgirl have a long history! Hopefully, this chart will help clear it up a bit. Just follow the line down, and you'll see how the Hawks have progressed through history! 

Oct 21, 2022

Update of Tim Board's Hawkworld Gallery

Just added the Hawkman Cruiser and the movie poster from the Black Adam movie to my Hawkman collection. I hung it from the ceiling (top right) for now. 

Oct 3, 2022

The History of the Live-Action Hawkman and Hawkgirl.

By Tim Board (Hawkworld Facebook and Hawkworld Twitter) Updated!

Thirty-nine years ago, on January 19 and 26, 1979, NBC broadcast "Legends of the Superheroes", a two-part special with several DC heroes and villains. This was also the show that gave us our first live-action Hawkman. Do you know how many men and women have played Hawkman and Hawkgirl over the years? While live-action Batman actors are almost too numerous to count, the number who have played the Winged Wonders on silver or small screens have been few and far between. Let's take a look at the actors who have played the Hawks over the years.

Aug 22, 2022

The Hawks Set to Return in a New Justice Society Series

After years of teases, cameos, and even a canceled Geoff Johns/Bryan Hitch project, it appears that the Justice Society is finally returning. DC Comics announced the solicitations for November 2022 and the JSA was in the lineup. There will be a one-shot issue released on November 8. Details below the cover art!

And then two weeks later, a regular series by Geoff Johns kicks off. 

The New Golden Age #1
Script by Geoff Johns 
Art by Steve Lieber, Jerry Ordway, and Diego Olortegui
Cover by Mikel Janin, Variant covers by Gary Frank, Todd Nauck, Michael Allred, Dan Hipp and David Talaski
$4.99 US, 48 pages
On sale 11/8/22
From the Justice Society of America to the Legion of Super-Heroes, The New Golden Age will unlock DC's epic and secret-ridden history of heroism, launching a new group of titles set firmly in the DC Universe. From the 1940s to the 3040s, heroes take on the great evils of their time. But in the aftermath of Flashpoint Beyond, those heroes and villains will have their lives turned upside down. DC's future…and its past…will never be the same again. But how are Mime and Marionette connected to this? Why are Rip Hunter and the Time Masters the most unlikable heroes in the DC Universe? And who or what is…Nostalgia? Don't miss the start of the strangest mystery to have ever plagued the DC Universe.

Justice Society of America #1
Script by Geoff Johns
Art and cover by Mikel Janin
Variant covers by Yanick Paquette, Joe Quinones, Jerry Ordway, Steve Lieber
$3.99 US, 32 pages 
On sale 11/22/22
The JSA returns in this monthly series by writer Geoff Johns and artist Mikel Janín with "Justice Society of America: The New Golden Age Part One"! The world's first and greatest superheroes return! Or do they? A long-lost hero from the JSA crashes into our era with a grave warning… but it's too late. A mysterious and malevolent enemy has invaded the entire history of the JSA, and an all-new team must come together to defeat it. But what deadly secret does this messenger from beyond keep? Where are they from? And why is all of this happening now? Only the Time Masters know…

 It's been a long wait, but it appears that the JSA is finally coming back. Let's keep our fingers crossed for no cancelations or changes of plans. Let's hope Jim Lee can resist changing the series' name to Batman and the Justice Society before it comes out! Here are some more articles from other sites: 

Jul 24, 2022

Hawkman on Six covers in October 2022 Solicitations

 The solicitations for October 2022 were released and Hawkman and Hawkgirl appear on six covers. Most are promotion variants for the Black Adam movie coming out on October 21. 

Multiversity: Teen Justice #5 
Black Adam movie variant cover by Lee Bermejo
Comes out on October 4


Jul 7, 2022

Review of Black Adam The Justice Society Files: Hawkman No. 1

Script: Cavan Scott
Pencils: Scot Eaton
Inks: Norm Rapmund
Colors: Andrew Dalhouse
Letters: Rob Leigh
Cover: Haare Andrews
Editor: Katie Kubert

   I had no idea what to expect for this issue, and it's supposed to be a lead-in to the movie, so I approached it as a completely elseworld story. This Hawkman looked almost nothing like the Hawkmen we've had in the past, so I expected a lot of changes. However, Cavan Scott has written Hawkman and Hawkwoman before, and he has been "loyal" to the basic idea of Hawkman. He picked up very nicely (DC Love is a Battlefield, 2021) where Robert Venditti left off so I wasn't TOO worried. 

May 6, 2022

Hawkgirl in Green Lantern: Beware My Power

 An Elseworlds version of Hawkgirl is appearing in Green Lantern (John Stewart) Beware My Power.

Mar 20, 2022

A Guide Through the History of Hawkman and Hawkwoman/Hawkgirl

   Thanks for coming over to my guide to the Hawks. I originally had everything posted here, but the article became so massive that I decided to move it over to the contents page. This has been a project that has taken me several years and I may never be finished. I've written similar articles about the history of Hawkman and Hawkgirl, but I wanted to put it all together so that fans old and new can easily find the answers they have when reading the Hawks. It has been a fun, fascinating endeavor, and I continue to learn more about my favorite superhero every day. I have moved the articles over to my main contents page, so click the link below to read up on each era of the Hawks. Thanks for checking it out, and I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed putting it together. Article Link

Mar 15, 2022

Talking about Hawkman and Hawkwoman!


Here are the times Yours Truly has been invited to a podcast, zoom chat, YouTube interview, or website article to talk about Hawkman over the years. It's been an honor each and every time. 

13th Dimension: Why Hawkman Matters 
The Angrygeeks Show Podcast: Hawkworld
The Comic Source Podcast: Talking Hawkman with Robert Venditti 
The Comic Source Podcast: Hawkman Day with Robert Venditti
Comic Book University: Spotlight on Hawkworld 
DarkKnightNation: Let's Talk Comics with Hawkworld 
ComicManJake: Hawkman Day with Tim Board
Pop Culture Squad: Winged Passion – Tim Board’s Hawkworld 

I'm always up for a fun chat about Hawkman and Hawkwoman so send me a PMDM, or email ( to let me know when and where! 

Feb 2, 2022

Black Reign (JSA/Hawkman 2004)

 In 2004, Geoff Johns wrote a six-issue story that crossover over in the JSA and Hawkman series. It told the story of how Black Adam took over Khandaq and how the Justice Society went to stop him. It was one of the highlights of both series. The upcoming Black Adam movie (July 2022) will probably take its main storyline from this series. It's a fantastic story that is well worth picking up. You can find the collection of the six issues in the JSA #8 trade paperback. Another official Black Reign trade is scheduled to come out in June. Definitely worth picking up!

#1 JSA No. 56
#3 JSA No. 57
#5 JSA No. 58
#2 Hawkman No. 23
#4 Hawkman No. 24


#6 Hawkman No. 25