Art by Prentis Rollins (2017, Commissioned by Tim Board)

Jun 12, 2019

Board Review of Hawkman No. 13: "On Common Ground"

With the first year and the origin story of Hawkman completed, we wondered where writer Robert Venditti would take us for the standalone issue. After the big climax in the last issue, it's natural to assume that this issue would be a bit of a breather, but Rob stepped up and gave us one of the best issues in Hawkman's history. Some of the standalone issues from Hawkman Vol. 4 (2002-2006) are some of the best issues of the series, and this issue is right up there with those. Over the past year, Venditti has shown us what he can do when he can build up a story gradually, and now we see what he can do with one issue. This review is full of spoilers so if you haven’t read the comic yet, don’t spoil it. Go buy the comic, read it and then come back to read the review.

May 20, 2019

An Open Letter to Gardner Fox

Photo by courtesy of Terri Fox

Dear Gardner Fox,
                On the occasion of your 108th birthday, I wanted to write an eloquent article, describing your amazing abilities and the work you left behind. After several rewrites, I finally gave up. I’m afraid I’m not eloquent enough to do a proper article to mark the occasion. So instead, I’m writing this letter to express what your work means to me. This I think I can do.

May 18, 2019

Fan Theory connecting the Current Hawkman and Shayera Hol to the Savage Hawkman

One of my favorite pastimes is to tie all of the continuities of Hawkman into one character. In the current Hawkman series, Robert Venditti has brilliantly put all of the past Hawkmen on one foundation. He has made an origin that explains all the Hawkmen and why Hawkman does what he does. It changes everything about Hawkman but also leaves everything that has happened in the past intact. However, a new challenge for fans came up when Shayera Hol and the Savage Hawkman showed up in Justice League No. 14-16 (February-March 2019).

May 8, 2019

Board Review of Hawkman No. 12: "Out of Many, One"

Caution: There are some spoilers ahead so read at your own peril or come back after you've read the issue!

When we set out on a journey of exploration and discovery with Hawkman twelve months ago, we wondered how the hero we know as Carter Hall would be changed. How will his story be written this time? What kind of hero will writer Robert Venditti and artist Bryan Hitch bring us? The answer turns out to be everything and nothing, both at the same time. The core of Hawkman remains unchanged. He is the superhero of flight. He is the superhero of the sky. He carries a mace. He is from Egypt. He is from Thanagar. Shiera is the love of his life. He is an archaeologist. He remains the hero we’ve always known.

May 7, 2019

Great Venditti/Hitch Interview by Den of Geek!

Den of Geek has a GREAT interview with both Hawkman writer Robert Venditti and artist Bryan Hitch about Hawkman issue No. 12 and where the series will go from here. This is a must-read for the fans of the current Hawkman series! LINK