Art by Prentis Rollins (2017, Commissioned by Tim Board)

Nov 28, 2017

A 'Hawk'-eyed Easter Egg: Does Hawkman Appear In 'Justice League'?

Personally, I think this is grasping at straws, but this has been brought up so many times on numerous sites, so it's worth checking out at least. Some fans are saying that it appears that there are what "may be", " but we're not real sure", but "it just might be" Thanagarians flying way, way, waaaaaayyy in the back of a battle scene in the Justice League movie. 

"In the above shot, we see an Amazonian leaping into action, while just to the left of their head you can see a little flash of white wings. So what, big deal, and who even are the Thanagarians? Well, when you consider that some of the most famous members of the species include Hawkman and Hawkgirl, this could mean big news for the ranks of the Justice League. While the picture may look like nothing..."
So there is is. Check out the Link HERE on the GEEKs site and see the GIF for yourself? What do you think? 
 "Clearly Justice League will set up the plans for a larger team and a roster that could include Green Lantern, Martian Manhunter, and Hawkman. While Hawkman is one of #DC's lesser-known heroes and the studio clearly expanding their film slate, never say never to a Hawkman solo-film. If not, a winged wonder would still make a great addition to any of DC's upcoming #superhero films."

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